Dear Blue Oaks Families,
We have hit the last month and have 4 weeks of school left! Tomorrow begins the Math portion of the CAASPP testing for students in grades 3rd- 5th grade. It will be very important for your students to arrive on time during the testing weeks. If they arrive after the testing begins, they will not be able to disrupt the class and will need to wait in the office and begin testing if necessary (3rd- 9:00, 4th- 11:00 and 5th- 10:00). If you know if your student will be late due to a previously scheduled appt. Please let the teacher know so we can plan accordingly. Thank you for your support.
Thank you for an outstanding turn out for our Volunteer Tea Thank You event. It was a nice way for us to say thank you because we can’t do it without your support and dedication.
This week it is time to spoil our staff for Staff Appreciation. Be on the look out for communication from the PTC. The entire week has been organized by our PTC so please take a moment to read the information that comes from them to thank all the staff at Blue Oaks.
As a reminder, Due to a change in state legislation, we wanted to inform you of changes to our school day starting and ending times for the 2022-23 school year. The new law requires that high schools start no earlier than 8:30 am and middle schools no earlier than 8:00 am. The Roseville Joint Union High School District transports RCSD’s bus-riding students; therefore, our schools must start earlier to accommodate the new required start times for the high schools.This means our school day for the 2022-23 school year will begin with all our students starting at 7:45. The dismissal time for TK is: 11:07, Kindergarten is 12:47, and 1st- 5th is 2:03. We will still have a PLC early release day that will be on Wednesdays next year, and on that day, TK dismissal will be 11:07, Kindergarten 12:47 and 1st- 5th is 12:50. We understand that this change will potentially impact morning and afternoon routines, and therefore we wanted to make sure you were made aware of this change as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Mrs. Cumbra
This week, Ms. Derosa was chosen to be the staff member of the week. She always has a smile on her face and goes the extra mile for her students. She also had a part in planning the 2nd grade movie event. You can always find Ms. Derosa at pick-up duty helping move the cars, she is a pro at that! Thank you Ms. Derosa for all you do.
The PTC thanks all of the Blue Oaks staff for their dedication to pouring into its students. You are providing them with valuable skills, tools, and knowledge that will carry them into successful futures. We appreciate all that you do!
Thank you to all of the parents that have signed up to bring food donations and are decorating staff doors. We cannot do Staff Appreciation Week without you.
The next PTC meeting will be in person on 5/3 at 6:30pm in the Library. Childcare is available for potty-trained children over 3 years old.
The PTC will be holding an election for President, Vice President A, Vice President B, Secretary, and Treasurer at the next PTC meeting on 5/3. Please attend the meeting in person if you wish to cast your vote. Descriptions for the board positions can be found here. If you would like to nominate yourself for any of the positions, submit this form by 6:00pm on May 2nd. Nominees must attend the meeting in person to participate in the election. If you have questions, email Erin at
Bears on the Run- Race Day!
Our last day will be May 2nd where we’ll have a mile race. You’re welcome to come watch and cheer. Your kids have been great! -Mrs. Nakao
If you are NOT vaccinated and you would like to continue to volunteer as a Category I or Category II volunteer, you MUST show proof of a negative COVID test within 6 days of being on campus. Our school secretaries will ask for proof of this requirement upon you signing in.
Volunteer Online Link:
Volunteer Live Scan Link:
Current TB clearance, (good for four years from the date issued), can be submitted to the school site.
Here is the link to purchase your shirt:
As a Reminder- Pick Up/Drop Off
Traffic in and around Blue Oaks School presents the number one
safety hazard to children and adults!
We request your cooperation.
Speed Limit- It is very important to drive slow when picking up or dropping off your student. Many families are driving fast through the crosswalks, causing students and families to be alarmed. Please be respectful of all our students and community and drive slow!
SUPERVISION- Supervision doesn't start until 8:25. We ask that you do not drop off your student before 8:25. Please plan accordingly so that your child can be at school at 8:25 or after.
The WEST PARKING LOT - in front of the Kindergarten wing - is designated for drop-off and pick-up of transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, first and second grade students by private vehicle, only. Watch for children! Children may not go into parking lots unless they are with an adult. All students entering the west side parking lot must use the crosswalk on Halesworth. DO NOT stop or park your vehicle except in a designated parking spot. Remain in your car when at the yellow curb and pull all the way up to the end of the yellow curb.
The DROP-OFF/PICK-UP AREA in front of the Multi-Use Room is for school buses and daycare agencies only. Please do not drop off or pick up students on Horncastle Ave. There is no supervision.
The EAST PARKING LOT – in front of the Adventure Club and the upper grades playground is designated for drop-off and pick-up of third, fourth and fifth grade students by private vehicle, only. There is no crosswalk in this parking lot. Children may not cross or enter the parking lot unless accompanied by an adult. DO NOT stop or park your vehicle except in a designated parking spot. Remain in your car when at the yellow curb.
If you wish to park your car, kindly pull into a designated parking space.
Thank you for respecting the privacy and property rights of residents on streets adjacent to school.
We request that you walk your child/children to school whenever possible to cut down on traffic and pollution, promote healthy life habits and enhance the safety of all.
*Next Walk to School: May 18th
Last one for this school year
If you live too far to walk, we encourage you to park in the surrounding neighborhood and walk in from there. Two student council representatives will be manning each gate to pass out stickers to those students who participated in Walk to School Wednesday. We look forward to seeing our Bears put on their walking shoes and help to create a cleaner environment.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
What is PBIS?
School-wide PBIS is a multi-tiered framework to make schools more effective places. It establishes a social culture and the behavior supports needed to improve social, emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes for all students. PBIS is flexible enough to support student, family, and community needs.
Second Step
Second Step is our evidence-based social emotional curriculum that all our classes use on a daily basis to help teach empathy and problem-solving skills in a holistic integrated way. For the next 10 weeks, all our students will be focusing on problem solving. Please check in with your student and be sure to ask them what they are learning and help them role play and practice. The more practice they get, the better they will be. Here is a video that you can watch and review.
TK:Joining in with Play, Saying the Problem, Thinking of Solutions, Speaking Assertively. *Transitioning to Kindergarten: Learning in K, Riding the K bus, Making New Friends in Kindergarten
K: Inviting to Play, Fair Ways to Play, Having Fun w/Our Friends Handling Having Things Taken Away, Handling Name-Calling, Reviewing Second Step Skills
1: Solving Prob, Part 1, Solving Prob, Part 2, Fair Ways to Play,20. Inviting to Join in, Handling Name-Calling, Reviewing SS Skills
2: Solving Prob, Part 1, Solving Prob, Part2, Taking Responsibility, Responding to Playground Exclusion, Playing Fairly on Playground, Reviewing SS Skills
3: Solving Prob, Part1, Solving Prob, Part2, Solving Classroom Problems,Solving Peer Exclusion Problems, Dealing with Neg. Peer Pressure, Reviewing SS Skills
4: Solving Prob, Part1, Solving Prob, Part2, Making a Plan,Solving Playground Problems, Taking Resp. for Your Actions, Dealing with Peer Pressure, Reviewing SS Skills
5: Solving Prob, Part1, Solving Prob, Part2, Making a Plan,Seeking Help, Dealing with Gossip, Dealing with Peer Pressure, Reviewing SS Skills
Here are some posters that are displayed in each classroom to help support and teach students emotional regulation.
What's New in RCSD?
COVID Update:
Lost and Found
Please make sure that all clothing, playground balls, lunch boxes and other items brought to school are clearly marked with your child’s name. We accumulate a vast assortment of misplaced property during the school year. The Lost and Found is located in and behind the rear, west door to the multi-use room. You are welcome to check it during school hours. All abandoned items in the Lost and Found are donated to charitable organizations at various times during the school year.
Vaccine Verification and COVID Information
If you are vaccinated, please bring in your vaccine card and show it to our secretaries. They DO NOT need a copy or make a copy. They simply need to see it. This only needs to be done one time. We will mark you cleared in our system and you are not required to show this again.
If you are NOT vaccinated and you would like to continue to volunteer as a Category I or Category II volunteer, you MUST show proof of a negative COVID test within 6 days of being on campus. Our school secretaries will ask for proof of this requirement upon you signing in.
COVID Reminders: As more students are getting vaccinated, please know that you can show their vaccination card to the office ladies and they will enter the information into powerschool. You can either email a photocopy of the card or just come in.
Positive Case Isolation Changes
At this time this change only applies to individuals who are positive for COVID-19.
Per CDPH’s updated guidelines, positive cases can reduce the number of days they must isolate (both staff and students, regardless of vaccination status) from 10 days to 5 days if all the following are TRUE:
At least 24-hours have passed since the resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications; AND
They take and provide RCSD with a COVID-19 test (antigen recommended) on or after Day 5 and it comes back NEGATIVE; AND
They will continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days, especially in indoor settings.
Types of Tests Accepted
In light of recommendations from the state and CDC to use antigen tests and coupled with the difficulty finding tests, RCSD will also be moving to allow for at-home testing.
We will accept the at-home test results with attestation for the following situations:
A negative test to return early to work; or
A negative test to clear symptomatic illness that is not COVID-19; or
A positive test to utilize RCSD COVID leave.
Individuals will use the District-provided form to provide verification of a positive or negative medically supervised or self-attested at-home test. If an individual uses an at-home test, they will be asked to complete an attestation that indicates the test was taken by the isolated or quarantined individual.
April 25-May 9- CAASPP Testing
May 24 -5th Grade Luncheon (students and teachers)
May 25 -Sunsplash Field Trip (details to come)
May. 26 -5th Grade Promotion Ceremony/Slideshow 9:30-10:30
May 26 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - See you next year!
2021-2022 Bell Schedule
RCSD Website
Blue Oaks Website
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