Thank you all for everything have done to create such an amazing school.
~Mrs. Cumbra
Student Council Update:
THANK YOU SO MUCH for everyone's help/participation with our canned/boxed food drive this year. Blue Oaks raised over 2,000 cans to be donated to the Salvation Army! Our grade level who raised the most was (drum roll please) 3RD GRADE with 721 donations! Great job!
TK-K: 461
1: 447
2: 311
3: 721
4: 417
5: 644
WATCH DOGS Kick-off Jan. 20th at 3:30-4:30!
As a Reminder- Pick Up/Drop Off
Traffic in and around Blue Oaks School presents the number one
safety hazard to children and adults!
We request your cooperation.
- Speed Limit- It is very important to drive slow when picking up or dropping off your student. Many families are driving fast through the crosswalks, causing students and families to be alarmed. Please be respectful of all our students and community and drive slow!
- SUPERVISION- Supervision doesn't start until 8:25. We ask that you do not drop off you student before 8:25. We have recently had a few student being dropped off before 8:25 which is not safe. Please plan accordingly so that your child can be at school at 8:25.
- The WEST PARKING LOT - in front of the Kindergarten wing - is designated for drop-off and pick-up of transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, first and second grade students by private vehicle, only. Watch for children! Children may not go into parking lots unless they are with an adult. All students entering the west side parking lot must use the crosswalk on Halesworth. DO NOT stop or park your vehicle except in a designated parking spot. Remain in your car when at the yellow curb and pull all the way up to the end of they yellow curb.
- The DROP-OFF/PICK-UP AREA in front of the Multi-Use Room is for school buses and daycare agencies only. Please do not drop off or pick up students on Horncastle Ave. There is no supervision.
- The EAST PARKING LOT – in front of the Adventure Club and the upper grades playground is designated for drop-off and pick-up of third, fourth and fifth grade students by private vehicle, only. There is no crosswalk in this parking lot. Children may not cross or enter the parking lot unless accompanied by an adult. DO NOT stop or park your vehicle except in a designated parking spot. Remain in your car when at the yellow curb.
If you wish to park your car, kindly pull into a designated parking space.
Thank you for respecting the privacy and property rights of residents on streets adjacent to school.
We request that you walk your child/children to school whenever possible to cut down on traffic and pollution, promote healthy life habits and enhance the safety of all.
- Give the gift of holiday cheer with hot cocoa and cookies! Fun Santa plates and mugs with all the fixings. Perfect for Secret Santa, Neighbors, Family and Friends. Delivery included.
Ms. Annie, our night-time custodian, works really hard after everyone leaves to make sure our classrooms are clean and ready for the next day. Her work is greatly appreciated!
Blue Oaks 5th Grade Bucket Band
Performance will be in Jan. Date: TBD
What's New in RCSD?
HOLIDAY OPPORTUNITIES:As the holidays quickly approach, the Roseville Holiday Food Basket Program is working hard to make sure everyone in our community has what they need. If you know of someone that could benefit from receiving a food box this holiday season please complete this form by December 13, 2021. All forms are kept confidential.
December 20 - December 31: Winter Break
January 3 - Staff Professional Development Day - No School
Lost and Found
If you are vaccinated, please bring in your vaccine card and show it to our secretaries. They DO NOT need a copy or make a copy. They simply need to see it. This only needs to be done one time. We will mark you cleared in our system and you are not required to show this again.
If you are NOT vaccinated and you would like to continue to volunteer as a Category I or Category II volunteer, you MUST show proof of a negative COVID test within 6 days of being on campus. Our school secretaries will ask for proof of this requirement upon you signing in.
* as a reminder, choices are subject to change
* as a reminder, choices are subject to change