Sunday, February 27, 2022

Feb 28-March 4th

 Dear Blue Oaks Families, 

I can’t believe we are heading into the last few months of the 2021-2022 school year.  The next few months will be filled with lots of fun events that you won’t want to miss.  

I am still looking for a parent/guardian volunteer to help on Tuesdays and Thursdays for after school crosswalk supervision. If you might be interested, please let me know. 

Read Across America and our March Madness Tournament of Books week starts tomorrow! Please see the message below and have your student wear pajamas tomorrow. 

    Thank you to all the Watch DOGS and parent volunteers that support our school. We value each and everyone of you!


Thank you, 

Mrs. Cumbra




School Beautification Project

The PTC is underway with posting positive and encouraging messages in the student restrooms that emulate the Bear Necessities: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. We need your help with installation! If you can spare a couple of hours on Saturday, March 12, 8am, please contact Toni Ogden We ask that only adults come to help, so the kids will be surprised the following Monday!


5th Grade Celebration | Newberg Oregon School District


The end of the school year is steadily approaching, and we are looking forward to celebrating the end of elementary school, with the class of 2022, in a very special way... The Annual Blue Oaks Fifth-Grade Slideshow! As you can imagine, this tradition requires a lot of work and we need your help! Luckily, your job is relatively easy, but requires close attention to the dates and details listed below. Thank you in advance for your efforts.


We are requesting a kindergarten AND fifth grade photo from each student by Monday, MARCH 14th.  Please e-mail these photos to Mr. O'Connor at   The pictures can be school photos, sport shots, or candids of your child.  We'd like the pictures to be solely of your child (no family/friend photos).  


Be sure to include the student’s full name and teacher’s name in your e-mail. 


If you do not have digital photos, simply snap a shot of a physical portrait with your smartphone, attach it to an email, and, viola! Please DO NOT send in actual photographs; digital photos only


Please make sure the file that you attach to the email is a high quality (large file) JPEG not a PDF. It is best if you name your files with the following format...

"KinderSamSmith.jpg" & "5SamSmith.jpg" (grade Kinder or 5, first and last name of student).


Thank you for your help in honoring our big Bears!  If you have any questions, please e-mail Mr. O'Connor at the e-mail address above.


Read across America starts on 2/28 and to celebrate Dr. Seuss and his birthday, we have created the following fun dress up days and we will also be participating in March madness tournament of books. 






Bears on the Run

Do you love to run? Come join us! Bears on the Run in Blue Oaks Elementary School’s running club. We’ll be doing fun, challenging runs each week. 


The last week will be a mile race. 

‣ Open to 3rd-5th graders 

‣ $20 fee covers a t-shirt and a small snack each week (no nuts) 

‣ Led by parent volunteers- please consider joining us and helping out 

When: Mondays in March and April (We will NOT meet on non-school days) 

Where: Upper Grades Playground 

Time: 1:45-2:30 

Questions? Contact Angie Nakao (

Please see the attached flier if you are interested. BOTR FLIER





What: Afterschool Supervision 

When: Tuesday and Thursday 

Where: Tuesday at the primary parking lot entrance

             Thursday at the upper parking lot crosswalk 

Time: 2:50- 3:05 pm (15 minutes)

If you are interested, please contact myself or Susan Wells or Tessa D’Angelo 




We are very excited to welcome our Watch DOGS.  If you are interested in this program but didn’t come to the presentation, you can still sign up. Just call the office and Ms. Tessa will help you with the necessary paperwork. 


 As a Reminder- Pick Up/Drop Off

Traffic in and around Blue Oaks School presents the number one

safety hazard to children and adults!  

We request your cooperation. 

  • Speed Limit- It is very important to drive slow when picking up or dropping off your student.  Many families are driving fast through the crosswalks, causing students and families to be alarmed.  Please be respectful of all our students and community and drive slow! 

  • SUPERVISION- Supervision doesn't start until 8:25. We ask that you do not drop off you student before 8:25. We have recently had a few student being dropped off before 8:25 which is not safe. Please plan accordingly so that your child can be at school at 8:25. 

  • The WEST PARKING LOT - in front of the Kindergarten wing -  is designated for drop-off and pick-up of transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, first and second grade students by private vehicle, only. Watch for children! Children may not go into parking lots unless they are with an adult. All students entering the west side parking lot must use the crosswalk on Halesworth. DO NOT stop or park your vehicle except in a designated parking spot.  Remain in your car when at the yellow curb and pull all the way up to the end of they yellow curb. 

  • The DROP-OFF/PICK-UP AREA in front of the Multi-Use Room is for school buses and daycare agencies only. Please do not drop off or pick up students on Horncastle Ave. There is no supervision.

  • The EAST PARKING LOT – in front of the Adventure Club and the upper grades playground is designated for drop-off and pick-up of third, fourth and fifth grade students by private vehicle, only.  There is no crosswalk in this parking lot.  Children may not cross or enter the parking lot unless accompanied by an adult. DO NOT stop or park your vehicle except in a designated parking spot.  Remain in your car when at the yellow curb.


If you wish to park your car, kindly pull into a designated parking space.

Thank you for respecting the privacy and property rights of residents on streets adjacent to school.

We request that you walk your child/children to school whenever possible to cut down on traffic and pollution, promote healthy life habits and enhance the safety of all.



Blue Oaks School has a FANTASTIC Parent-Teacher Club (PTC) that supports our students in a variety of ways. We hope you will join the PTC and play an active role in making this your child’s best school year ever! PTC meetings are held monthly and last approximately 60 minutes. Meetings are scheduled on Thursday nights. Watch the school and PTC bulletins for meeting dates and times and for information about exciting, PTC sponsored events.




  • For the 2022-2023 school year, we have the following positions open


The President shall (l) preside over all PTC Executive Board and general meetings, (2)prepare-a master calendar that includes Executive Board and general meetings, PTC-sponsored events, activities and fundraisers,(3) coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the PTC in order that the objectives be promoted, (4) make sure PTC activities are approved by the Principal and do not interfere with school activities,(5) appoint non-elected officers and committee chairpersons, (6)

develop agendas for meeting sin consultation with Executive Board members, (7) keep parents and staff apprised of PTC activities and acts as primary liaison between them,(8) file signature card for the PTC account at the bank, and (9) perform duties prescribed in these Bylaws, and ( l0) present a proposed

budget to the Executive Board and membership for approval.


Vice-President (Currently shared by 2 people)

The position of Vice President can be divided into more than one position at the request and  agreement of candidates and the PTC members. Alternatively, the Vice President may choose to appoint chairpersons to assist in the duties below. Division of responsibilities will be determined by the Vice President(s) and the President. The Vice President(s) shall (1) temporarily assume the duties and

responsibilities of the President in his/her absence, (2) act as an aide to the President, (3) help recruit chairpersons and committee membersfor PTC-sponsored events, activities and fundraisers, (4) plan and work with committees in chargeof events, activities and fundraisers, (5) work with Media Coordinator on event

publicity, and (6) become familiar with state and local requirements forfundraising projects.



The Treasurer shall (1) obtain a hard copy of financial records and materials such as supplies, ledger, checkbook, tax records, and procedures book from predecessor, (2) meet with predecessor to review procedures and programs, (3) develop a budget forthe school year with Principal, President, and other budget

committee members,(4) deposit all monies promptly in the PTC bank account after monies have been accounted for and receipt is issued, (5)submit written reports for bank account as needed at Executive Board and general meetings, (6) make all financial records available for audit at all times, (7) facilitate audit of PTCfinancial

records at the end of the school year, (8)oversee preparation of all tax returns and file asrequired by law,(9) attend all events where money may need to be counted, (10) make sure that at least two people count the money

together (e.g. Event Chairman, Financial Secretary), and (11) ensure that all persons counting money sign an "income form", and (12) obtain trimester inventory report from Spirit Wear Coordinator.


Media Coordinator

The Media Coordinator shall (1) oversee the chairperson position of Webmaster, (2)inform and provide the Webmaster with upcoming e-mail reminders and website updates, (3) assist the President with gathering information and drafting monthly electronic newsletter,(4) send weekly eNews to families regarding PTC and school-related events, activities and fundraisers, (5) assist the Secretary with additional communication and marketing materials



The Webmaster shall(1) maintain the PTC's website and Facebook page,(2) research and promote ways to increase the effectiveness of electronic communication to further the objectives of the PTC, and help reduce the costs associated with communication, and (3) take direction from the media Coordinator and President as needed.








*Next Walk to School: WEDNESDAY March. 16th*


How fun has this been? I love being in the front of the school with Ms. Tessa and Ms. Susan. We love dancing to the music and handing out stickers. If you live too far to walk, we encourage you to park in the surrounding neighborhood and walk in from there. Two student council representatives will be manning each gate to pass out stickers to those students who participated in Walk to School Wednesday. We look forward to seeing our Bears put on their walking shoes and help to create a cleaner environment.


Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)


Each month, we review our school data and office referrals and focus on areas of improvement. Currently, physical aggression is a major area of concern and many students have physical altercations at recess. Many times students get upset with others during games such as basketball, soccer and just on the blacktop in general.  I have noticed that many students forget to use their words, name their feelings, and calm down but instead some of them become physical with each other, resulting in an office visit and parents being contacted. Please remind your student that school and recess should be fun! And they have learned many strategies through our Second Step curriculum that can be used during times of frustration.  We also have many yard duties (pictured below) outside and students need to go to them if they are struggling with a peer. Please remind your student to use strategies they have learned when they become frustrated. 


Did you know we have 11 areas around our school with specific

expectations on how to be safe, be respectful and be responsible? Take a moment to review these expectations with your student.    


Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible


Walk in and out

Keep water in the sink

Use restroom for intended purposes 

Respect individual privacy

Keep stalls clean

Use a quiet voice

Flush toilet and wash hands before leaving 

Use the hand dryers for their purpose

Return to classroom/playground quickly




Second Step

Second Step is our evidence-based social emotional curriculum that all our classes use on a daily basis to help teach empathy and problem-solving skills in a holistic integrated way.   In January and February, all our students will be focusing on emotion management. They will learn to name feelings, manage a variety of feelings and how to calm down. Please check in with your student and be sure to ask them what they are learning. 


TK: Naming Feelings, Managing disappointment, managing anger, managing waiting

K: We feel feeling in our bodies, Managing frustration, calming down strong feelings

1: Identifying our own feelings, strong feelings, calming down anger

2: Introducing emotion management, managing embarrassment, handling making mistakes

3: Introducing emotion management, managing test anxiety, handling accusations

4: Introducing emotion management, managing strong feelings, calming down anger

5: Introducing emotion management, calming down, managing anxiety and frustration





This week our 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Gibbs was selected for staff member of the week. It is evident that Mrs. Gibbs thoroughly enjoys her students and plans her days and lessons to make sure all of her students' needs are met. She is such an asset to Blue Oaks!  

Blue Oaks 5th Grade Bucket Band

Performance Date: 

March 26th at 9:30 am

What's New in RCSD?

  • Each year, RCSD must submit to the state its Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), which lays out the priorities for our district and contributes to maximizing learning for every one of our students. 

  • RCSD greatly values the feedback from our parents/guardians, and as part of this process, RCSD is asking parents/guardians to participate in our annual LCAP survey. 

  • Saturday, February 26, you will be receiving an email with a link to the anonymous survey. You will receive one email for each of your children, and we ask that you please take the time to complete a survey for each of your students in RCSD. 

  • The survey will be open from February 26 - March 8, 2022.

COVID Update:

  • RCSD’s dashboard

  • We anticipate a statewide announcement related to K-12 school guidance and protocols on Monday, February 28. As soon as we receive information on any changes, we will inform our community. In the meantime, the Board has directed RCSD to continue enforcing the state’s mask guidelines while ensuring every student is allowed in-person learning by not excluding any student from any school facility, classroom, activity, or event for not wearing a mask. 

  • As we continue to navigate these COVID waters, we urge parents to remind their student(s) to continue being positive and respectful of all student decisions regarding masks and their health.

Lost and Found

Please make sure that all clothing, playground balls, lunch boxes and other items brought to school are clearly marked with your child’s name. We accumulate a vast assortment of misplaced property during the school year.  The Lost and Found is located in and behind the rear, west door to the multi-use room. You are welcome to check it during school hours. All abandoned items in the Lost and Found are donated to charitable organizations at various times during the school year.



Vaccine Verification and COVID Information

  • If you are vaccinated, please bring in your vaccine card and show it to our secretaries.  They DO NOT need a copy or make a copy.  They simply need to see it.  This only needs to be done one time.  We will mark you cleared in our system and you are not required to show this again.

  • If you are NOT vaccinated and you would like to continue to volunteer as a Category I or Category II volunteer, you MUST show proof of a negative COVID test within 6 days of being on campus.  Our school secretaries will ask for proof of this requirement upon you signing in.

  • COVID Reminders: As more students are getting vaccinated, please know that you can show their vaccination card to the office ladies and they will enter the information into powerschool. You can either email a photocopy of the card or just come in. 


  • Positive Case Isolation Changes

At this time this change only applies to individuals who are positive for COVID-19.

Per CDPH’s updated guidelines, positive cases can reduce the number of days they must isolate (both staff and students, regardless of vaccination status) from 10 days to 5 days if all the following are TRUE:

  • At least 24-hours have passed since the resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications; AND

  • They take and provide RCSD with a COVID-19 test (antigen recommended) on or after Day 5 and it comes back NEGATIVE; AND

  • They will continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days, especially in indoor settings.

  • Types of Tests Accepted

In light of recommendations from the state and CDC to use antigen tests and coupled with the difficulty finding tests, RCSD will also be moving to allow for at-home testing.

  • We will accept the at-home test results with attestation for the following situations:

    • A negative test to return early to work; or

    • A negative test to clear symptomatic illness that is not COVID-19; or

    • A positive test to utilize RCSD COVID leave.

Individuals will use the District-provided form to provide verification of a positive or negative medically supervised or self-attested at-home test. If an individual uses an at-home test, they will be asked to complete an attestation that indicates the test was taken by the isolated or quarantined individual. 



March 21- No School

March 26th- Pancake Breakfast 8:30-11:00

March 30- Open House/Showcase Time- 5:30-6:30

March 30- Bucket Band Performance 9:30

April 11-18- Spring Break

April 25-May 9- CAASPP Testing 


February Lunch Menu* as a reminder, choices are subject to change

2021-2022 Bell Schedule

RCSD Website

Blue Oaks Website


Bear Bulletin 6/5-6/6

  Dear Blue Oaks Families,  As we approach the end of another remarkable year, let's take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey...